Date | Time | Type of Call | Location | Incident Notes | IdentifyingName | Status |
7/15/2019 | 1:13 PM | Driving Complaint | Alderwood Cir. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a driving complaint on a silver 2002 Toyota that was speeding through the neighborhood. Officer made contact with the driver and advised driver of the complaint. Driver was advised to drive at or below posted speed limits and not to drive until he has a valid state-issued driver's license. Driver acknowledged the warnings and Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/15/2019 | 2:00 PM | Recovered/Found Property | Friend St. | Officer was on station when Officer was handed a credit card that subject found while on a walk. Officer then contacted Credit Union for the card and advised them of the situation. Officer was advised that they could not provide Officer with the cardholder's information, but to destroy the card as it is no longer activated. Officer then destroyed the card and returned to patrol. | Plain City Police Department | Pending |
7/15/2019 | 3:00 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | East South St. | Officer received a call on station from complainant who advised she went to pick up her daughter who was staying at a friend's house last night. Complainant advised when she went to pick up her daughter at 0930 hours she was still asleep. Complainant's daughter went back to sleep when complainant brought her home. Complainant then learned that her daughter was given melatonin by the friend. Complainant advised she made contact with the pediatrician, who advised her daughter may have had an adverse reaction. Complainant advised she did not want Officer to make contact with the friend's mother, as she already spoke with her. Complainant just wanted the incident documented. | | Approved |
7/15/2019 | 3:48 PM | Road Hazard | West Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the area of West Avenue and Carriage in reference to a wire down. Upon arrival, Officer observed a cable wire down on the sidewalk on the north side of the road in front of West Avenue residence. Officer removed the wire from the sidewalk and placed it in the yard of the residence where the other end was attached. Officer attempted contact with the resident without success. Officer left a voicemail for the homeowner advising them about the wire. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/15/2019 | 8:10 PM | DOC | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was requested to the listed location in reference to a menacing complaint. Dispatch advised a subject's father was on his way to the listed location to speak with an individual who threatened his son and requested Officer meet him on scene. Upon arrival, Officer met with all parties involved. After speaking with all parties, they were both warned for disorderly conduct and are no longer going to work the same shifts. | Der Dutchman | Approved |
7/15/2019 | 12:03 PM | Behavioral Health | East Main St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a mental health crisis. Upon arrival, Officer met with complainant who advised that his wife had an outburst that was intense. Complainant asked that Officer speak to his wife and also check on her well-being. Although the wife was agitated and manic, she did not appear to be a danger to herself or others. Officer would be making a CIT referral. After determining everything to be fine, Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/16/2019 | 5:09 PM | 911 Follow-up | North Chillicothe St. | Officer was dispatched to Pastime Park in reference to a 911 follow up. Dispatch advised that they had received an accidental dial 911 call. Caller advised she had hit the button on her apple watch by mistake. Upon arrival, Officer was unable to locate the caller due to the large number of people in the park. Dispatch attempted call back and a message was left. Officer then returned to patrol. At 1721 hours Dispatch advised that the caller called in and is at the volleyball court. Officer met with the caller and ensured everything was okay. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/16/2019 | 10:18 PM | Fireworks | West Main St. | Officer was advised of several fireworks going off periodically near the area of West Main Street. Upon arrival to the area, Officer made contact with several citizens, who all stated the fireworks were coming from different directions. Officer then searched the area but was not able to locate anyone setting off fireworks. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/16/2019 | 6:00 PM | 911 Follow-up | South Mechanic St. | Officer was dispatched to the area of South Mechanic Street in reference to a 911 unknown. Dispatch advised that the call was placed by a non-active phone. Upon checking the area Officer spoke with caller who was outside the listed location playing with a phone. Caller advised she was playing on the phone and did not know it still worked. Officer then met with caller's father and advised him of the issue. Caller's father advised he would take the battery out the phone so this does not occur again. Upon determining everything to be okay, Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/16/2019 | 3:36 AM | Assist Other Agency | Daron Ct | On the stated date and time, Officer was dispatched to the listed location to assist the Union County Sheriff's Office on an alarm drop. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol | Golden Bear Lock and Safe | Pending |
7/16/2019 | 7:15 PM | Animal Complaint - Other | Willow Creek Dr. | Officer was dispatched to Willow Creek Drive in reference an injured raccoon. Upon arrival, Officer met the caller who advised Officer that the raccoon appeared to be dragging its intestines behind it. Officer checked the rear of the property and did not locate the raccoon. Officer advised complainant to call back if she sees it again. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 9:43 AM | Stolen Car | Willow Creek Dr. | Officer responded to the listed location on the report of a stolen vehicle. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with the caller. Caller advised he believes the car had been stolen. The vehicle is a 2013 Chevy Cruze, silver in color with an Alder "A" on the lower right rear window and small green shamrock on the lower left rear window. The vehicle was entered into LEADS as stolen and a BOLO was sent to surrounding areas. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:26 AM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Dogwood Ct. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival, Officer spoke with complainant and his wife. They informed Officer that sometime overnight someone entered their locked 2006 Hyundai and 2014 Chevrolet SUV and stole loose change and a Kroger Plus Shopper's card. They requested that the incident be documented due to similar thefts in the neighborhood that night. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 9:35 PM | Recovered/Found Property | Friend St. | Officer located a black/gray fit-bit style watch leaning against the front windows of the police department. Officer learned that the device was found in front of a residence on Willow Creek Drive. Subject brought the fit-bit to the police department due to not being able to locate the owner. The fit-bit was taken inside the police department for safekeeping. See media for photos. | Plain City Police Department | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 9:18 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | Hawthorne Dr. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a vehicle that had been rummaged through overnight. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised Officer that her vehicle was parked in the driveway of the listed location. Caller advised sometime last night someone had gone through her vehicle and trashed the inside. Caller advised Officer nothing was missing from the vehicle. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:52 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Hawthorne Dr. | Officer was canvassing the area when Officer made contact with complainant at the listed location. Complainant advised Officer his vehicle had been broken into sometime overnight. Complainant advised items in the car were scattered and money was taken from a tray near the gear shift along with the tray itself. After speaking further with complainant, Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:48 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Whittman Ct. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a theft complaint. Upon arrival, Officer met with complainant who stated that sometime overnight, both of her vehicles were rummaged through. The driver's door on her vehicle was ajar this afternoon when she went outside. The only thing missing was the registration for her Honda, including the County 49 sticker. Complainant wanted the police department to be aware of the incident. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 8:03 AM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Plumwood Ct. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival, Officer spoke with complainant who informed Officer that someone entered her 2013 Chevrolet SUV and "rummaged" through it. Complainant indicated that the only thing that appeared to be missing was loose change. Complainant requested that an incident report be completed due to other similar thefts in the neighborhood at approximately the same time. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:39 AM | Stolen Car | Plumwood Ct. | Officer responded to the listed location on the report of a stolen vehicle. The complainant, came outside to go to work and discovered his vehicle was not in the driveway. The vehicle, a 2015 Volkswagen Jetta, black in color was entered as stolen and BOLO was sent to surrounding agencies. There was nothing else of descriptive value for the vehicle. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:15 AM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Dogwood Ct. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival, complainant informed Officer that sometime after 11:45 PM the night before, someone entered his unlocked Acura and stole approximately three dollars in change. The vehicle looked as if it had been gone through and items were scattered throughout the interior. Complainant requested that the incident be documented due to other similar thefts in the neighborhood. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 12:11 AM | Domestic Dispute | Shepper Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, Officer met with both parties involved. Officer learned subjects were in a verbal argument and male subject attempted to leave the residence. Female subject followed male subject and continued to argue with him. While speaking with both parties, female subject was warned for disorderly conduct. Male subject then agreed to leave the residence for the night and stated he was not going to have any contact with female subject until tomorrow. Once male subject left the residence, Officer determined everything to be fine and returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/17/2019 | 7:45 AM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Hawthorne Dr. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to theft from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival, Officer spoke to complainant who informed Officer that someone had entered both vehicles overnight and stole loose change. Complainant also believed that keys for the Ford and her home were taken due to them being in the Kia. Complainant was also concerned that her garage door openers were taken and would confirm and advise at a later time. Complainant requested that an incident report be completed. | | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 8:22 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Carriage Dr. | Officer met with complainant at the police department in reference to a theft complaint. Complainant advised Officer that her vehicle was parked in her driveway Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, she noticed that several gift cards were missing. She advised that her vehicle was unlocked at the time and wanted the police department to be aware of the incident. | | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 11:18 PM | Assist Other Agency | US Rt. 42 S | Officer was requested by the Madison County Sheriff's Office to the listed location in reference to an alarm drop. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officers then returned to patrol. | The Cheese House | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 1:44 AM | Open Door | Fanshell Dr. | | | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 2:08 AM | Assist Other Agency | Commerce Pl. | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to the listed location in reference to an alarm drop. After determining everything to be fine, Officer then returned to patrol. | Buckeye Western Star | Pending |
7/18/2019 | 4:36 PM | Non-Injury Crash/Private | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a non-injury/private property accident. Upon arrival, Officer met with both parties involved. Both parties exchanged insurance information prior to Officer's arrival. Officer advised them that an incident report would be on file and Officer returned to patrol. | Shell Station / Subway | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 4:40 PM | Theft - Felony | East Main St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a possible theft. Upon arrival, Officer spoke with complainant who advised Officer he had paid subject to bring a 53 Foot Storage Container to complainant's property but it was never delivered. Complainant advised he confronted subject over the phone, but subject came up with multiple excuses on why the container wasn't delivered. Officer later contacted subject via public service and advised subject to pay complainant back or deliver the container or he would be criminally charged. Subject advised he would get it taken care of over the weekend. Officer then returned to patrol. A short time later it was found subject had active warrants for theft by deception and false statements out of West Virginia and Kentucky. Officer was contacted by Deputy U.S Marshal who advised Officer subject was now in their custody. MCPO was contacted and advised to hold off on charges until subject had a documented chance to pay the money back. | Plain City Auction House | Pending |
7/18/2019 | 6:40 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | North Chillicothe St. | On the stated date and time, while on foot patrol at the listed location, Officer observed a large tree branch fall in the infield. Officers responded to the scene and determined that no one was injured and the tree had caused minor damage to a vehicle that was parked underneath it. Officer made contact with the vehicle owner and advised him of the incident. An incident report was completed for documentation. Plain City Public Works was notified about the incident and stated that a crew would be out in the morning to remove it. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/18/2019 | 7:00 PM | Recovered/Found Property | North Chillicothe St. | On the stated date and time, while on foot patrol at the listed location, Officer was given a found wallet. Officer attempted to contact the wallet owners and also contacted several of his associates with no success. Contact was made with the Madison County Sheriff's Office to conduct a message delivery for Officer. The wallet will be kept at the police department until the owner is able to retrieve it. At 2113 Hours-Officer met with the owner of the wallet at the police department. Wallet owner advised that his bank card was missing, but it had been deactivated a long time ago. Nothing else was missing. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 11:30 AM | Parking Complaint | South Chillicothe St. | Officer was on patrol on South Chillicothe Street when Officer observed a vehicle illegally parked in front of South Chillicothe Street. Upon checking the vehicle registration, Officer found who owned the vehicle. Officer attempted to locate the vehicle owner at several of the residences without success. Officer then placed a parking violation sticker on the vehicle. Officer requested dispatch attempt to contact the vehicle owner about the vehicle. Officer then returned to patrol. At 12:40 hours Officer spoke with vehicle owner via public service who advised she would be in route to move the vehicle. At 13:09 hours Officer observed the vehicle had been moved. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 11:51 AM | Recovered/Found Property | West Ave. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to an abandoned motorcycle frame found on the property there. The complainant was not currently home but advised its location. Officer then located the motorcycle frame leaning against a tree in complainant's yard. Upon checking the VIN Officer learned who the motorcycle had been last registered to and it was not listed as stolen. Officer then made contact with the last registered subject by public service who advised that he gave it to someone to scrap about 14 years ago. Subject advised he would come and retrieve the motorcycle and ensure it is properly scrapped. Officer then returned to patrol. At 1315 hours Officer received a return call from complainant advising subject has retrieved the motorcycle frame. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 4:20 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Weathervane Way | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a theft complaint. Upon arrival, Officer met with complainant. Complainant stated that last night, someone got into his unlocked Hyundai SUV and stole three Steak and Shake gift cards, approximately $15.00 in change and $8.00 in one-dollar bills. Incident report was taken due to recent break-ins. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 5:51 PM | Civil Dispute/Standby | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer met with subject at the listed location in reference to a civil standby. Exchange of custody was completed without incident. Officer then returned to patrol. | McDonald's | Returned |
7/19/2019 | 6:06 PM | CIT Incident | Willowbend Cir. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a well-being check. The caller advised his father called him advising several people were inside of his house sitting on the furniture. The caller advised dispatch his father was recently diagnosed with dementia. Upon arrival, Officer spoke with subject who advised Officer there were people sitting on his couch and at his kitchen table. Officer assured subject there was no one else in the residence. The caller was also on Facetime with subject advising him no one was there. The caller advised Officer he would stay on Facetime with his father until he arrived and did not need anything further. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 6:57 PM | Theft - Attempted | Pastime St. | Officer was on patrol at Pastime Park when Officer was flagged down by complainant. Complainant advised Officer sometime between 1000-1400 hours on 07-19-19 someone attempted to steal his red Ford Model T that was parked by his campsite. Complainant advised that a bystander witnessed an older male attempt to take the vehicle. Complainant advised he did not believe the man knew how to drive the vehicle is the only reason it wasn't taken from the campground. Complainant advised the vehicle was moved from his campsite to a nearby tree. After taking the report, Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 8:26 PM | Parking Complaint | East Third St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a parking complaint. The caller advised there were vehicles blocking the roadway in the area of North Ave and Shepper Ave. Officer then checked the area and located several tractors in the roadway. Officer made contact with the homeowner and was advised the roadway needed to be cleared. The tractors were moved without issue. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 8:30 PM | Juvenile | North Chillicothe St. | Officer was flagged down in reference to a juvenile complaint at the playground at the north entrance to Pastime Park. The complainant advised that there were three juveniles throwing objects at the north shelter house and using foul language. Upon arrival, Officer observed the juveniles throwing something at the concrete several times and also at the side of the shelter house (near the roof). Officer met with the three juveniles and advised them of the complaint. One juvenile admitted to trying to "bust open" a small canister (appeared to be a used can of silly string). While Officer was speaking with the juveniles, Officer learned that there were two missing juveniles in the park. Therefore, Officer wasn't able to obtain the other two juveniles information. A short time later, Officer was able to make contact with one of the juvenile's mother and advised her of the incident. The juveniles were given a warning for their actions. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 8:45 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | North Chillicothe St. | On the stated date and time, Officer was on foot patrol when Officer made contact with complainant. Complainant advised his vehicle, a 1999 tan Ford pick-up, parked at Pastime Park, had tree branches fall from the tree directly above his parked vehicle and fall into his truck bed. Complainant stated he wanted the Village to be aware because the dead tree branches needed to be cut down and didn't want the branches to fall on patrons of the Steam Show. Officer then photographed the scene, before returning to foot patrol. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/19/2019 | 8:03 AM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 W | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to respond to the intersection of SR 161 West and Middleburg-Plain City Road in reference to a rollover vehicle crash with entrapment. Once assistance was no longer needed. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 11:18 AM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | North Chillicothe St. | Officer was on foot patrol in Pastime Park when Officer was advised of a vehicle with a busted rear window near the northwest corner of the grounds. Officer later met with vehicle owner who advised Officer that it appears that a walnut fell from the tree and hit the rear window near the exposed window edge and broke it. Complainant felt he should have an incident report to document it. Officer took photographs of the damage and advised complainant an incident report will be on file if he needed it. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 11:45 PM | Assist Other Agency | Smith-Calhoun Rd. | Officer responded to the listed location at the request of the Madison County Sheriff's Office, in reference to a burglary in progress. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 3:16 PM | Recovered/Found Property | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was met at the police department by a concerned citizen who found a wallet. Citizen advised Officer that the wallet was lying on South Jefferson Avenue in front of Der Dutchman. Citizen noticed that some of the cards were in the roadway and cash was flying about. Several people were out and about collecting the cash for themselves. Citizen was able to gather some of it and put it back into the wallet. Officer made contact with the wallet owner and advised her that her wallet was found. On 07/21/2019 1310 Hours the owner of the wallet arrived on station and was grateful that the wallet was returned. | Der Dutchman | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 9:25 AM | Theft - Felony | South Chillicothe St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to unauthorized charges on his debit card. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised Officer that yesterday he was checking his bank app and found several charges that he did not make. Officer requested that complainant meet with his bank and get the computer print out from his account and see if they could tell him a better location for one of the transactions. Complainant advised Officer that his bank will be doing an investigation into the transactions. Officer advised complainant to give the police department a call once he has gotten the records. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 6:00 AM | Assist Other Agency | US Rt. 42 N | Officer responded to the area of US 42 and Arnold, at the request of the Union County Sheriff's Office, in reference to a fatal crash. Officer assisted with traffic control until assistance was no longer necessary. Officer then returned to patrol | | Pending |
7/20/2019 | 12:54 AM | Suspicious Vehicle | North Ave. | Officer was on patrol when Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a suspicious vehicle. Officers checked the area but were unable to locate the vehicle. The caller was advised Officers would provide extra patrol and did not request Officers meet with her. | | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 10:18 AM | Solicitor | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the area of Dollar General in reference to two males possibly soliciting. Upon arrival, Officer located two subjects walking towards a car parked on the Richwood Bank lot. Officer advised them of the complaint. Officer advised them that since Officer did not see them soliciting any items they would be given a verbal warning for soliciting without a permit. Officer then advised them of the proper steps to secure a soliciting permit. Subjects thanked Officer and then departed. Officer then returned to patrol. | Dollar General Store | Approved |
7/20/2019 | 5:09 PM | Animal Complaint - Other | East First Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a K9 that was on a chain and lying on the sidewalk of the house under possible distress. Upon arrival, Officer observed the K9 walk around and bark. The owner advised that her K9 was very old and did not have any hearing but enjoyed lying on the sidewalk. K9 showed no sign of distress. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/21/2019 | 2:17 AM | Loud Noise/Disturbance | North Ave. | Officers were dispatched to the listed location in reference to a noise complaint. The caller advised there was "slamming on the floor" which woke up a child. Upon arrival, we made contact with subject who was advised of the complaint and apologized. Subject advised he would keep it down. Officers then returned to patrol. | | Pending |
7/21/2019 | 10:21 AM | Animal Complaint - Other | Coachman Dr. | Officer was on patrol on Buckboard Lane when Officer observed a poodle-lab mix dog walking on Coachman Drive dragging a long tie out cable behind it. Upon checking the dog Officer learned who the dog belongs to. Officer walked the dog back to its residence and released it to the resident who was outside trying to locate the dog. Officer advised resident to ensure the dog does not get loose again. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Approved |
7/21/2019 | 3:57 PM | Drunk Driver | West Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the area of West Main Street in reference to a driving complaint. Dispatch advised a Grey Ford F150 was traveling west bound on West Main Street and had almost gotten into several accidents. Several callers called 911 reporting the F150 was swerving into oncoming traffic, attempting to pass vehicles on double yellow lines, and ran a car off of the road. Upon arrival to the area, Officer located the vehicle and observe it pull into Jan and Tony's Pizza. Officer then made contact with the driver, Michael Hampton, and observed his child in the front passenger seat. Michael also admitted to consuming several pain medications prior to driving. After further investigation, Michael Hampton was placed under arrest for OVI, Endangering Children, and Seat Belt Violation. Michael's father arrived on scene and took his grandson home with him. Michael was transported to the police department, where he refused a urine test. Michael was then transported to Tri-County Regional Jail by Officer Lake. Note: This will be forwarded to UCDJFS. | Jan & Tony's Pizza | Approved |
7/22/2019 | 1:23 AM | Suspicious Person/Vehicle | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was on patrol when Officer observed a suspicious vehicle located at the listed location. Officer observed a black 2004 Toyota sedan parked on the north-side of the lot. Officer made contact with subject. Subject was advised the business was closed and he was not allowed to be on the premises. Subject apologized and advised he would head home. Officer then returned to patrol. | McDonald's | Approved |
7/22/2019 | 10:51 PM | Loud Noise/Disturbance | North Ave. | On the stated date and time, Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a loud noise complaint. The caller advised the homeowner was working on his residence using loud construction tools. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with subject. Subject advised he had been using his saw a few moments prior to Officers arrival. He was advised to keep it down. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 3:31 PM | Dead on Arrival | Willowbend Cir. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to an unresponsive male. Upon arrival Officers located subject in the spare bedroom. Upon the arrival of medic personnel, they assessed the subject and pronounced him deceased at 1538 hours. See case for any further information. | | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 12:18 PM | Driving Complaint | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a possible road rage incident. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised that when he was in Dublin an unknown male driving a black Kia 4-door became enraged with him and another motorists. After the male yelled and screamed at both of them, they all drove away, but then the male ended up following the caller. The caller pulled into the Der Dutchman to await Officer's arrival and the male also pulled into the lot. The caller drove around to try to find the male, but was unable to. Officer patrolled the parking lot and then escorted the caller east toward Dublin just to ensure that the male wasn't going to continue following him. After determining everything to be fine and that most of the road rage incident occurred in Dublin, Officer returned to patrol. | Der Dutchman | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 11:14 AM | Domestic Dispute | West Main St. | Officer responded to West Main Street in the area of Rummell-Brill Insurance on the report of a disturbance. The caller advised that two people were in the alley to the west of their business arguing. Upon arrival to the area, the two people were gone. The caller advised that they left eastbound on bicycles. Officer patrolled the area but was unable to locate them. At about 12:30pm, Officer located two subjects riding their bicycles on East Main Street. Officer spoke to them on the corner of South Chillicothe Street and confirmed that they had been in the alley arguing over cigarettes. They advised that it was stupid and they were over the argument. Officer warned them for disorderly conduct and then returned to patrol. | | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 10:13 AM | Theft - Attempted | Buggywhip Ln. | Officer spoke to complainant about an attempted theft from his vehicle. Complainant advised that overnight someone tried to force his car windows down. Complainant said that two of his windows were forced down approximately one to two inches, but he did not believe that entry was gained. Officer told complainant that Officer would have a report on file and that PCPD would try to provide extra patrol in the area. | | Approved |
7/22/2019 | 9:11 AM | Theft - Misdemeanor | Gay St. | Officer spoke to complainant who resides at the listed address. Complainant advised that when her husband left for work at about 6:30am, he noticed that his vehicle had been rummaged through. While complainant's husband didn't have anything missing from his truck, Complainant advised that someone had taken loose change from her vehicle. Complainant advised that both vehicles were unlocked. Officer told complainant that Officer would have a report to document the incident and that PCPD would continue to provide extra patrol due to the vehicle break-ins in the area. | | Approved |
7/22/2019 | 2:25 AM | Assist Other Agency | Avalon Ln. | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to the listed location in reference to an alarm drop. After assistance was no longer needed, Officer then returned to patrol. | | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 11:09 PM | Suspicious Person/Vehicle | Nighthawk Dr. | Officer was on patrol when Officer observed a white Chrysler minivan near the construction sites located on Nighthawk Dr. and Alderwood Cir. S. Officer then made contact with the driver who advised that he had taken a piece of plywood out of one of the dumpsters. Officer observed the plywood in the rear and that it was damaged. Subject was advised he needed permission prior to taking the property out of these dumpsters. It was returned to the dumpster. Officer then returned to patrol. | | Pending |
7/22/2019 | 3:30 AM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 E | Officer was requested by Madison Co. Sheriff's Office to check the area of SR161 and Warner Rd. in reference to livestock in the roadway. Officer checked the area but did not observe any cattle in the area. Officer then advised Madison Co. Sheriff's Office of Officer's findings, before returning to patrol. | | Approved |
Sherrie Yoakam
Administrative Assistant
Plain City Police Department
( Dispatch: (614)873-4321
( Office: (614)873-2921
Fax: (614)873-1076
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