Date | Time | Type of Call | Location | Incident Notes | IdentifyingName | Status |
7/3/2019 | 1:34 PM | Injury Crash | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location near the Shell Gas station on the report of an injury crash involving a pedestrian. Upon arrival, there was a group of people standing around a female who was lying on her back in the middle of US Route 42. The female had some abrasions to her left elbow and mentioned her back was hurting. Officer spoke to the driver of the Honda CRV that struck the female. Driver advised that he was turning out of the Shell Gas Station to head north. He said there was an opening in the southbound traffic and the northbound traffic had not yet crossed through the intersection. He said a trash truck has turned off of West Avenue, but there was plenty of room to turn ahead of it. As he began to turn and accelerate, he saw a woman thrown her hand into the air, just before he struck her. He said he did not see the woman prior to that and that she was crossing mid-stream in the road. Officer spoke to several witnesses who confirmed driver’s version of the incident. The female was alert and oriented and was transported to hospital by the medic. Officer obtained witness statements from driver and the other witnesses. Dennis was released without a citation and was advised that the investigation was ongoing, but that he would likely not be getting a citation due to her crossing the road illegally. See corresponding numbers for further information. | Pending | |
7/3/2019 | 2:25 PM | 911 Follow-up | Willowbrook Ct. | Officer responded to the listed location on a 911 follow-up. Upon arrival, Officer met with the resident who advised her young son had been playing on her phone without her knowledge. Resident confirmed that everything was fine and that she was just getting ready to leave for work. After ensuring there was no emergency, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/3/2019 | 5:23 PM | Traffic Stop | East Main St. | Officer conducted a routine registration check on a grey Hyundai that was traveling westbound. Officer learned that the registered owner was under an ALS Suspension. Officer initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle on West Main Street at West Bigelow Avenue. Officer made contact with the driver, Adam Braden and advised him why I stopped his vehicle. Adam was subsequently issued a citation for ALS Suspension (ORC 4510.14) and No OL (ORC 4510.12). Adam was released to his father. Adam's vehicle was towed to the Plain City Impound Lot. See corresponding numbers for further information. | Approved | |
7/3/2019 | 10:54 AM | Open Window | Carriage Dr. | Approved | ||
7/4/2019 | 1:21 PM | Non-Injury Crash | Church St. | Officer responded to the listed location on the report of a non-injury crash. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with William Beddow who was driving a 2016 Chevy Equinox and the other vehicle driver who was driving a 2009 Toyota Camry. Mr. Beddow advised that he stopped at the stop sign on Washington Avenue look both ways and then pulled from the stop sign to turn onto Church Street. He advised that he did not see the northbound Toyota and hit the passenger side causing damage to both vehicles. The other driver and her passenger confirmed the details of the incident. Mr. Beddow was issued a citation for Failure to Yield from a Stop Sign. Refer to corresponding numbers for further information. | Pending | |
7/4/2019 | 1:51 PM | Suspicious Circumstances | North Ave. | Officer was dispatched to North Ave Apt in reference to a possible burglary in progress. The caller advised she saw two females climb in the window of the apartment and leave shortly after. Officer checked the area but was unable to locate the vehicle in question. Officer then made contact with the tenant of the apartment via public service who advised she was at the apartment recently and advised she had permission from the complex manager. Tenant advised she climbed in the window because she lost her keys. Officer later made contact with the complex manager who advised tenant had permission to get into the apartment. Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/4/2019 | 2:10 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | SR 161 E | Officers were dispatched to the bridge on SR 161 at Butler Avenue in reference to several individuals jumping off the bridge into the river. Upon arrival, Officers met with all parties involved. They were advised that they were not permitted to jump off the bridge and the dangers/consequences that could follow. While speaking with all subjects, Officers learned that some of them had consumed alcoholic beverages. None of the subjects were intoxicated and advised that they were not permitted to consume alcohol in public. Officer made contact with ODNR Officer and advised him of the incident. After determining everything to be fine, both units returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/4/2019 | 2:49 PM | 911 Follow-up | West Main St. | Officer responded in the area of West Main St near Mike’s Pit Stop in reference to a 911 Follow-up. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised Officer she accidentally hit the emergency dial button when putting her phone in a cup holder. Officer deemed everything fine and returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/4/2019 | 2:55 PM | Non-Injury Crash/Private | Maple St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a non-injury private property crash. Upon arrival, Officer spoke with the driver of a grey Honda sedan and the driver of silver Chevrolet SUV. After speaking with both parties it was determined that the Chevy driver was backing out of a parking space did not see the Honda vehicle and backed into it. The above parties exchanged information and photographs were taken. I then returned to patrol. | Agape Church | Approved |
7/4/2019 | 8:30 PM | Recovered/Found Property | North Chillicothe St. | Officer was flagged down by a patron in regards to a found credit card. The patron provided Officer with an American Express card. Officer was unable to locate an individual by the name on the card. Officer contacted American Express and advised them of the incident. They canceled the card and will contact the owner. They also requested that Officer destroy the card. It was subsequently destroyed. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/4/2019 | 9:24 PM | Suspicious Vehicle | Park St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a suspicious vehicle parked in the driveway. The caller advised a white Dodge Neon was parked in their driveway. Dispatch was able to reach the registered owner via public service prior to Officers arrival. The vehicle was moved without issue. Subject was advised not to park in another person's driveways. | Approved | |
7/4/2019 | 11:08 PM | 911 Follow-up | West Main St. | On the stated date and time, I was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a 911 follow-up. Dispatch advised that the caller, Blake Caldwell, advised it was accidental and that his iPhone accidentally called while in his pocket. Upon arrival, I made contact with Blake Caldwell. Everything checked okay. I then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/5/2019 | 12:47 PM | Non-Injury Crash/Private | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a private property crash. Upon arrival, Officer met with the driver of 2007 Honda Odyssey and driver of 2018 Toyota Prius. Officer learned that the Honda was attempting to exit his vehicle as the Prius was pulling into the space and struck the door to the van. This caused minor damage to both vehicles. Officer completed an exchange of information form and provided them with each other's information. Officer then returned to patrol. | McDonald's | Approved |
7/5/2019 | 6:53 AM | Recovered/Found Property | North Chillicothe St. | Officer was on patrol in Pastime Park when Pleasant Valley Fire Chief flagged Officer down on the north side of the park. Officer was handed a purse that was found in the parking lot near the primitive camping area. Officer checked the purse and found a driver's license and other information for the owner of the purse. Officer requested dispatch to attempt contact with owner about the purse. Dispatch advised that a message left on voicemail advising that the purse was at the police department. Officer then returned to patrol. 1404 hours, Officer met with owner of the purse at the police department and returned her purse to her. | Pastime Park | Approved |
7/5/2019 | 6:37 PM | Drug Paraphernalia | US Rt. 42 N | Officer observed a blue Chevrolet Sedan bearing traveling southbound on US 42. Officer had prior knowledge the driver, Victoria Biggs had a suspended license and the vehicle passenger, Demetrice Hanson, had a valid warrant out of the Union County Sheriff’s Office for Failure to Appear on a Traffic Offense. Officer initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle and made contact with the driver, Victoria Biggs, and advised the reason for the stop. Officer then advised Demetrice of her warrant. Demetrice was placed into custody and transported to the Tri-County Jail where she was booked in on Marijuana Paraphernalia and her FTA Warrant. Victoria Biggs was issued a traffic citation for No Valid OL and Driving Under Suspension. Victoria was also issued a criminal summons for Marijuana Paraphernalia. Victoria’s vehicle was off the roadway. She was advised to have a valid driver come and retrieve it as soon as possible. | Pending | |
7/5/2019 | 7:50 PM | Drug Paraphernalia | West Main St. | Officer conducted a routine registration check on a white Honda Sedan. Officer initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle and made contact with the vehicle driver/owner, Hunter Clark, front seat passenger, rear left side passenger, and rear right side passenger, Dakota Bosh. Officer advised Hunter the reason for the traffic stop. Officer asked the vehicle occupants if there were any narcotics inside the vehicle. One passenger advised she had a THC Vaporizer Pen. K9 Andor could complete an open-air search of the vehicle. K9 Andor gave a positive alert in between the front driver side door and the back driver side door. An arrest warrant for Drug Abuse Instruments was then issued for Dakota. A citation for FRA Suspension X2 and No Valid OL was given to Hunter Clark. Female passenger was advised she would receive a criminal summons for paraphernalia and possession in the near future. All parties were then released. See case for further. | Pending | |
7/5/2019 | 12:16 AM | Assist Other Agency | US Rt. 42 N | Officer was requested to assist the Union Co. Sheriff's Office on a traffic stop at the listed location. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer then returned to patrol. | Village Mart (Marathon) | Approved |
7/6/2019 | 12:07 AM | Suspicious Vehicle | West Main St. | Officer was on patrol when Officer observed a suspicious vehicle parked in the rear of the listed location. Officers made contact with vehicle owner who advised they were currently homeless and did not have a valid registration so they could not drive the vehicle. An employee at DNA gave permission for the occupants of the vehicle to be on the premises while awaiting assistance. Officer made contact with vehicle owner’s friend who advised subjects could stay at her residence for the evening. Officers transported subjects to friend’s residence. Officers then returned to patrol. | Daily Needs Assistance | Pending |
7/6/2019 | 12:52 AM | Warrant - Misdemeanor | West Bigelow Ave. | Officers were conducting bar checks when Officers made contact with Hunter Jones at the listed location. Hunter had an entered and confirmed warrant out of Champaign County for Failure to Appear on a traffic offense. She was placed into custody without issue. Officer then transported Hunter to Tri-County Regional Jail where she was released into their custody. Officer then returned to patrol. | Lee's Sports & Spirits | Pending |
7/6/2019 | 4:17 AM | Open Door | West Main St. | New Life Baptist Church | Approved | |
7/6/2019 | 9:36 AM | Warrant - Misdemeanor | Friend St. | Officer was advised by Union County Sheriff's Office that Dakota Bosh (reference OIR 19-0850) walked out of the hospital without being discharged. UCSO Deputy later located Dakota walking on Hyland Croy Road and advised that he would transport Dakota to the police department. Once at the station, Officer advised Dakota that he was being placed in custody for Drug Abuse Instruments. Officer later transported him to Tri-County Jail. Once at the jail, Officer was advised by the jail nurse that due Dakota not being medically cleared by a hospital they would not take him. Officer then transported Dakota to the hospital where he was released for treatment. Officer advised Dakota that the charge will be filed as a warrant. Officer then returned to patrol. | Plain City Police Department | Pending |
7/6/2019 | 2:00 PM | Failure to Pay | West Main St. | Officer received a call from the owner, of the listed location who stated that a white Acura got $45.63 in fuel, but failed to pay. The occupant of the vehicle came into the store and purchased some items, so the owner thought that it may have been an accident. Owner requested that Officer make contact with the vehicle owner and advise them of the incident and to pay. Owner declined to pursue any criminal charges at this time. 1423 Hours-Officer made contact with the Columbus Police Department and requested that they go to the vehicle owner’s residence and have him contact Officer about this. 2129 Hours-Officer made contact with the Columbus Police Department and learned that they went to the residence of the vehicle owner. They spoke with an elderly male who stated that he had never heard of the vehicle owner. Additional follow-ups on 07/09/2019. | Marathon/Lovejoy Food Mart | Approved |
7/6/2019 | 4:36 PM | Suspicious Person | West Main St. | Officer received a public service from complainant who advised Officer that there was an unknown female on his porch swing without permission. Upon arrival, Officer met with subject who advised Officer that she was just out for a walk and was talking on the phone to her sister. Officer asked her why she was on the porch swing and she stated that she just wanted a place to sit. Officer advised her that she wasn't permitted to go onto anyone's property without their permission. She apologized and went on her way. Officer made contact with complainant and advised him of the incident. After determining everything to be fine, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
7/6/2019 | 9:59 PM | Assist Other Agency | West Main St. | On the stated date and time Officer responded to the listed location at the request of the Union County Sheriff’s Office, in reference to a resisting prisoner. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District | Pending |
7/6/2019 | 11:01 PM | Bad Checks | West Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to bad checks. Business owner advised that subject wrote a check. Business owner advised the check was returned because of insufficient funds. Business owner requested Officer make contact with subject to seek payment, in lieu of filing charges. 7/07/19- Officer Flowers met with subject at his residence. Subject advised he would go Mike's Pit Stop and take care of the check. | Mike's Pit Stop | Pending |
7/7/2019 | 10:30 PM | Suspicious Person/Vehicle | Alderwood Cir. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a suspicious vehicle complaint. The caller stated that a minivan had been parked in the same space for approximately one hour with a male subject in the driver’s seat. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with the driver and learned he was a contractor for the construction company. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pending | |
7/7/2019 | 3:05 AM | Domestic Violence - Misdemeanor | East Main St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with the caller and his live-in girlfriend Jessica Tilley. Caller stated that they had both been consuming alcohol and been in a physical dispute. Caller stated that during the dispute Jessica struck him and threw a full can of beer that struck his face. Upon further investigation, Jessica was placed into custody for Domestic Violence and transported to Tri-County Regional Jail without incident. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pending | |
7/7/2019 | 6:44 AM | Animal Complaint - Other | Jackson Blvd. | Officer was dispatched to the area of Jackson Blvd. in reference to two loose dogs. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller. Officer then took possession of two male German Shepherds. Officer later transported them to the police department. The dogs were secured in the dog kennel with food and water. Officer then returned to patrol. 1022 hours-Officer met with dog’s owner at the police department and returned his dogs. Officer advised dog owner of possible future consequences if it occurs again. | Pending |
This report shows the calls the police department has handled or responded to during the dates listed. This does not include all of the officer's other activity, such as traffic stops, vehicle lock-outs, residential property checks, commercial property checks, community meetings, school patrols, etc.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Police Report Recap - 07/03/2019 to 07/07/2019
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