Date | Time | Type of Call | Location | Incident Notes | IdentifyingName | Status |
8/15/2019 | 4:31 AM | Alarm Drop | West Main St. | Environmental Air | Approved | |
8/15/2019 | 5:11 AM | Alarm Drop | West Main St. | Environmental Air | Approved | |
8/15/2019 | 3:50 PM | Criminal Damaging | North Ave. | Officer was met on station by complainant who advised that sometime between 2300 on Tuesday, August 13 and 1600 on Wednesday, August 14 an unknown person damaged the passenger mirror of his 2016 Ford Edge. Complainant advised he did not know who or how the mirror was damaged but requested an incident report for insurance purposes and also to make the Police aware of the incident. For more information see photos and attached written statement. | Pending | |
8/15/2019 | 12:35 AM | Domestic Dispute | North Ave. | Officers were dispatched to the listed location in reference to a 911 follow-up. Upon arrival, Officer's made contact with a male and female subject, who were both intoxicated. Officer learned they were arguing when male subject went into a bedroom and locked the door behind him. Female subject knocked on the door and tried to speak with male subject, but he wasn't speaking to her. Female subject then dialed 911 because she thought male subject was unresponsive. Officers spoke to both parties, who agreed to go to bed for the night. After determining everything to be fine, Officers then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/16/2019 | 7:30 PM | Warrant - Misdemeanor | South Chillicothe St. | Officer observed David Hampton standing on the porch of the listed location. Having prior knowledge that David had two confirmed warrants for his arrest, Officers placed him into custody without incident. Officers transported him to the Tri-County Regional Jail and released him into their custody. See attached warrants for further information. | Approved | |
8/16/2019 | 7:45 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | Friend St. | Officer was met at the Police Department by subject who stated that he was going to be staying at South Chillicothe Street for the weekend and requested that Officer sign a pass from his halfway house showing that he was in town. Officer signed the form showing that subject was in the Plain City area as of this date and time. | Plain City Police Department | Approved |
8/16/2019 | 7:15 PM | Suspicious Person | North Chillicothe St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a suspicious person complaint. The caller stated that an adult male was on one of the swing sets and appeared to be yelling to himself. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with subject who stated that he had been singing along with his music. Officer advised subject to make sure he kept his singing at a reasonable level so that he did not disturb anyone else at the park. Subject stated that he understood and would make sure he was quite. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pastime Park | Approved |
8/16/2019 | 5:24 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | West Main St. | On the stated date and time, while at the police department, Officer heard some yelling coming from the parking lot. By the time Officer got to the door, Officer observed a dark-colored Chevrolet pickup exiting the parking lot at a high rate of speed. A male subject (complainant) walked up and met Officer on the porch. Complaint advised Officer that he was involved in a road rage incident with the truck. 08/17/2019 1444 Hours- Officer made contact with suspect and learned that it was he and his vehicle that were involved. Suspect advised that he did not make any threats and overreacted by following complainant. Suspect apologized for any inconvenience his actions caused. Officer attempted to make contact with complainant, but was unsuccessful. | Approved | |
8/16/2019 | 4:22 AM | Open Door | Maple St. | Agape Church | Approved | |
8/16/2019 | 4:02 AM | Open Door | West Main St. | Returned | ||
8/16/2019 | 12:05 AM | Assist Other Agency | Rosedale Rd. | On the stated date and time, MCSO and Officer attempted a warrant service at the listed location. Officer made contact with Richard George that had an entered (confirmed) warrant out of the Plain City Police Department for Assault. Richard was placed into custody. Officer then transported Richard to Tri-County Regional Jail where he was released to their custody. | Approved | |
8/16/2019 | 9:30 PM | Assist Other Agency | South Chillicothe St. | Officers responded to the listed location at the request of the Union County Sheriff's Office, in reference to a trespassing complaint that occurred at 11655 Lafayette Plain City Road. Once assistance was no longer necessary, Officers returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/17/2019 | 10:28 PM | Marijuana | North Ave. | Officers responded to the listed location in reference to narcotics complaint. The anonymous caller advised they could smell an odor of burnt marijuana coming from one of the apartments. Upon arrival, Officers made contact with a female and male subject. Female subject denied any illegal activity going on inside the residence. Male subject advised they recently got done smoking marijuana. Officer advised male subject to be courteous of the neighbors and to stop smoking in the residence. Officers then returned to patrol. | Returned | |
8/17/2019 | 9:53 PM | Assist Other Agency | Converse Rd. | On the stated date and time, Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a traffic complaint. Officer advised the UCSO of Officer's observations and they advised Officer to stop the vehicle. After assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Returned | |
8/17/2019 | 3:51 AM | Open Door | North Chillicothe St. | Vacant | Approved | |
8/17/2019 | 10:28 AM | Animal Complaint - Other | North Chillicothe St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a possible dispute between campers. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with male and female complainant. Steven stated that at approximately 2130 Hrs the previous night, a dog ran to their campsite and approached their dog. They stated that there was no dispute between the two campsites. Officer then made contact with subject of other campsite who advised that the dog belonged to his brother I then made contact with Charles via public service. Canine owner stated that his dog was not on a leash when he ran to the neighboring campsite. Officer advised canine owner of the possible consequences if the dog continued to run loose. Canine owner stated that he understood and would keep the dog on a leash. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pastime Park | Pending |
8/17/2019 | 2:25 PM | Parking Complaint | South Chillicothe St. | Officer responded to the gravel lot behind the listed location in reference to a parking complaint. The caller stated that a vehicle was parked in the lot to close to a fire hydrant. Upon arrival, Officer observed two GMC Jimmy's parked in the gravel lot. Both vehicles registration were expired. Officer then made contact with vehicle owner and advised him of the parking complaint and the vehicle's expired registration. Vehicle owner apologized and moved both vehicles directly across the street into his personal driveway. Officer then returned to patrol. | Municipal Buildings | Pending |
8/17/2019 | 5:45 PM | Driving Complaint | SR 161 E | Officer was advised of a driving complaint that was traveling westbound on SR 161 from Kileville. The complainant, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that a light green vehicle was all over the roadway. Officer located the vehicle and made contact with driver. Driver was not under the influence and advised that she was trying to make a phone call. Officer explained the dangers in using an electronic device while driving and also encouraged driver to pull over when trying to make a phone call. Driver apologized and Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/17/2019 | 7:31 PM | Warrant - Misdemeanor | South Chillicothe St. | Officers went to the listed location to make contact with, Cristi Lanaghan, a wanted person. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with Cristi and placed her in custody for a misdemeanor probation violation warrant out of the Madison County Sheriff's Office. Cristi was later transported to the Tri-County Jail and booked in on the warrant. | Approved | |
8/17/2019 | 8:12 PM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 E | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to domestic violence incident per request of Union County Sheriff's Office. After assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Tim Horton's | Approved |
8/17/2019 | 9:26 PM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 E | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to assist them on an alarm drop at the listed location. After assistance was no longer needed, Officer then returned to patrol. | Aldi | Approved |
8/18/2019 | 12:15 AM | Fire Support | West Bigelow Ave. | Officers were dispatched to the listed location in reference to support Station 261 medical personnel with a sick person. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Lee's Sports & Spirits | Pending |
8/18/2019 | 12:00 PM | 911 Follow-up | Fanshell Dr. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a 911 hang up. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with the resident who confirmed that the phone number was hers and that everything was okay. After speaking with her, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/18/2019 | 2:07 PM | Non-Injury Crash | West Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the area of West Main Street in reference to a non-injury crash. Upon arrival, Officer learned Kai Parker was driving westbound on West Main Street in a 2004 Ford Truck when he collided his front end into rear of a 2010 Subaru who was stopped in traffic. Kai was issued a citation for ACDA. Kai's father arrived on scene and was also notified. Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/18/2019 | 5:54 PM | Civil Dispute/Standby | Fairfield Dr. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a civil standby. Officer then stood by while caller removed the items from residence. After determining everything to be fine, Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/18/2019 | 11:41 PM | Fire Support | East Bigelow Ave. | Officers responded to the listed location in reference to downed power lines. Officer found a large tree may have been struck by lightning causing it to break and tearing down the power lines. Officer returned to patrol once Station 261 fire personnel advised assistance was no longer needed. Ohio Edison responded to fix the downed lines. | Approved | |
8/19/2019 | 5:45 AM | Recovered/Found Property | West Main St. | Officer was met at the Police Department in reference to a found debit card. Subject stated that while walking his dog he found a Direct Express debit card belonging near the businesses dumpster. Officer took posession of the debit card. Officer will have another Officer attempt to contact card holder during their shift. | Studio on Main | Approved |
8/19/2019 | 4:11 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was advised of a female riding a motorized wheelchair in the roadway on South Jefferson Avenue near Shell gas station. Upon arrival, Officer located subject near Dollar General. Officer made contact with subject and advised her of the safety concerns. Officer then followed and helped subject get to a safe area to continue traveling home. After determining everything to be fine, Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/19/2019 | 1:55 PM | Juvenile | East Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a dispute between a mother and son. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised, Jerod Corbin. Jarod said that he had received a text message from his daughter saying that her mother was "beating" her brother. When caller came home, everything appeared to be okay but was concerned as to what actually happened. Officer spoke to all parties involved and learned that the mother was trying to apply Iodine to insect bites on son's legs. Son did not want her to so he began screaming and pulling away. Son was advised that his mother was applying the medication for his benefit but in the future, mother should maybe explain that to him. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/19/2019 | 1:53 PM | Alarm Drop | West Second Ave. | Approved | ||
8/19/2019 | 12:05 PM | Recovered/Found Property | South Chillicothe St. | An anonymous passerby dropped off as a set of keys that had been found in the road in front of the Plain City Elementary School. The keys included a CVS card and a library card. Officer attempted to contact CVS but was advised that they would not give out any information nor would they attempt to call the owner. Officer then contacted the Library System. Officer made contact with a librarian who able to locate the owner. Due to privacy restrictions, librarian was not able to provide contact information but advised that he would contact the owner and have them contact the Police Department to pick up their keys. | Plain City Elementary School | Approved |
8/19/2019 | 11:40 AM | Non-Injury Hitskip | Willow Creek Dr. | On this date and time, Officer responded to the listed location in reference to the property owner's mailbox being hit by an unknown vehicle. Upon arrival, Officer observed the mailbox laying on the ground and 4x4 post snapped off at the ground. Officer photographed the damage and returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/19/2019 | 6:38 AM | Loud Noise/Disturbance | Gay St. | Officer met with complainant at his residence in reference to a noise complaint originating from the listed location. Complainant asked that Officer speak to the owner of the gym to inform him of the complaint. Officer than made contact with gym owner. Gym onwer stated he understood the complaint and would like to speak to complainant to get additional details about the complaint, including timing. Gym owner assured Officer that he would take reasonable steps to reduce or eliminate the noise traveling toward complainant's residence. Officer will speak to complainant about having a conversation with gym owner. | Plain City Fitness | Pending |
8/19/2019 | 4:29 AM | Open Door | West Bigelow Ave. | Pioneer Pizza | Approved | |
8/19/2019 | 4:16 AM | Open Door | West Main St. | Living Word Church | Approved | |
8/19/2019 | 2:25 AM | Open Door | West Main St. | Daily Needs Assistance | Returned | |
8/19/2019 | 8:48 AM | Domestic Dispute | North Ave. | Officers responded to the listed location on the report of a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, Officers met with all parties involved. There was no injury caused to either party and there were no threats of physical harm. Female subject said she just wanted to leave and had her aunt on her way to get her. Male subject said he would leave the area until female subject left, so there would be no further confrontation. After male subject left, female subject's aunt arrived a short time later and drove her away from the apartment. After determining everything to be fine, Officers returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/20/2019 | 5:08 AM | Suspicious Circumstances | Smucker Ln. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to suspicious circumstances. The caller stated that he heard a bang noise against his wall that sounded like it came from the listed location. The caller stated that he believed that apartment was vacant and he thought it was suspicious. Upon arrival, Officer checked the apartment and found all doors and windows to be secure. Officer then made contact with the caller and advised caller of Officer's findings. Caller thanked Officer for checking the area and Officer returned to patrol. | Pending |
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