Date | Time | Type of Call | Location | Incident Notes | IdentifyingName | Status |
8/6/2019 | 7:11 PM | Civil Dispute/Standby | Central Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a questions the complainant had about issues with his adult step-son. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised Officer that he has questions about rules and how he can apply them to his step-son, since he pays rent. Officer advised caller that if step-son is not following the house rules then caller would need to evict him, unless step-son moved out voluntarily. Officer then met with step-son in front of the residence. Officer advised step-son that he needs to follow the rules as requested and reminded him of past conversations regarding the same concerns expressed by the caller and his mother. Step-son advised he understood and would attempt to do better in the future. Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/7/2019 | 1:45 PM | Failure to Pay | West Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the Marathon gas station in reference to a drive off that occurred earlier. A man in a silver Volkswagon Golf pumped $19.89 and did not pay. The store clerk believed it was an accident due to the credit card reader not working. Officer will attempt to make contact with the owner and arrange for them to make payment. 08/08/2019 After realizing that the plate given was inaccurate, Officer contacted Marathon and spoke to the owner who advised to disregard, the incident had been handled. | Marathon/Lovejoy Food Mart | Pending |
8/7/2019 | 3:45 PM | Miscellaneous - Unclassified | West Ave. | Officer met with complainant at the police department in reference to a scam. Complainant advised Officer that he had listed a vehicle for sale and was contacted by a subject, via text message. The subject wanted to purchase the vehicle. Complainant had recently sold the vehicle and a short time later, received a check made out to complainant from the Entertainment Credit Union in Hollywood, CA. Complainant did not agree to the sale and that amount was also above his asking price. Complainant attempted to send the check back to the sender but it was returned as "Undeliverable". Officer could tell that the check was fraudulent and Officer advised complaint to destroy it. Complainant was advised that if the subject had any further contact with him; complainant needed to let Officer know. See media for further information. | Approved | |
8/7/2019 | 11:51 AM | Behavioral Health | Carriage Dr. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a well being check. The caller advised that an elderly female had left the residence and was walking on West Avenue. While enroute, Officer observed the ederly female's home health aide standing in the driveway. Officer made contact with the aide who confirmed that that the ederly female had left while the aide was using the restroom. Having prior knowledge that the ederly female frequents the Der Dutchman, Officer was able to locate the ederly female. Officer transported the ederly female and aide back to the residence. Aide advised that she would speak with family member and advise him of the incident. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/7/2019 | 10:38 AM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 W | On the listed date and time while stationary at Ferguson Funeral Home, Officer observed a black GMC SUV drive westbound on West Main Street at a high rate of speed. As the vehicle continued on SR 161 the vehicle suddenly turned left and went off the roadway, through the ditch and approximately 100 yards into a bean field before stopping. Units from the Union County Sheriff's Office responded as well as Medic 261 and Medic 210. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/7/2019 | 6:37 AM | Suspicious Person/Vehicle | West Main St. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a man sleeping in a car. Upon arrival Officer located subject sleeping in a blue Chevy at the rear of the building. Officer made contact with subject and learned that subject and his son were sleeping there because his mother had thrown them out of her residence. Subject advised that he was attempting to get an apartment but until then had to stay in the car or at his brothers. Officer referred him to local resources for housing and returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/7/2019 | 5:37 AM | Suspicious Circumstances | Buckboard Ln. | Officer was on patrol when Officer observed the dome light to a silver 2007 Toyota was on. Officer made contact with the homeowner who checked the vehicle, which was locked. Homeowner did not observe anything out of the ordinary. After determining everything to be fine, Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/7/2019 | 12:39 AM | Open Door | Dickens Ln. | Approved | ||
8/7/2019 | 12:24 AM | Assist Other Agency | Old SR 161 E | Officer observed a black Nissan and a green Hyundai pull into the listed locations driveway. Due to the house being on the house watch list, Officer advised Madison County Sheriff's Office of the vehicles. After determining everything checked okay, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/7/2019 | 6:45 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | West Main St. | Officer met with complainant at the police department in reference to a theft at his residence. Complainant advised Officer that his son's bicycle was recently taken from the residence. Complainant requested the incident be documented in the event that the bicycle is recovered. | Approved | |
8/8/2019 | 11:05 PM | Animal Complaint - Other | Carriage Dr. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a sick raccoon. Upon arrival, Officer met with the homeowner and learned the raccoon had run off prior to Officer's arrival. After not being able to find the raccoon, Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/8/2019 | 12:00 AM | Criminal Damaging | West Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a possible attempted burglary. Upon arrival, Officer met with complainant who advised he noticed the window in his office was broken. Complainant advised that the window was not broken when he left at his residence at 1000 and would have heard it being broken after he returned. Officer checked the area but could not locate anything that caused the damage to the window. No one was home at the residence next door or across the street. For more information see media. | Pending | |
8/8/2019 | 1:46 PM | Open Door | North Ave. | Pending | ||
8/8/2019 | 2:09 PM | Criminal Damaging | West Ave. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a possible bullet hole in the side of the residence. Upon arrival, Officer spoke to the reporting party/homeowner who advised Officer he came home and observed a bullet hole at the top of his staircase that lead outside. When checking the exterior two similar size holes were located on the second story of the residence near each other. Homeowner and Officer then went inside where Officer located what appeared to be a silver slug in the room next to where the bullet hole was. See corresponding numbers for further. | Pending | |
8/8/2019 | 2:29 PM | Injury Crash | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer responded to South Jefferson Ave near West Ave in reference to an injury crash. Upon arrival, Officer made contact with Robert Smith the driver of a black Acura Coupe and his passenger. Robert advised he failed to brake in time, causing him to rear end a silver KIA SUV. The impact caused the KIA SUV to collide with the rear end of a red Mazda Sedan. Statements were collected from all of the above parties. Robert was issued a traffic citation for ACDA. Roberts vehicle was towed from the scene. Officer then returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/8/2019 | 3:17 PM | Traffic Stop | West Main St. | Officer conducted a routine registration check on a gold Buick Sedan. The registration returned expired as of 08-16-2015. Officer initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle and made contact with the driver, Roger Wright. Roger was issued a citation for expired tags. Roger's vehicle was later towed to the PCPD impound lot. Officer gave Roger and his passenger a courtesy ride to McDonald's to wait on their ride. | Approved | |
8/8/2019 | 4:11 PM | Suspicious Person | Madison Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a suspicious person. After determining everything to be fine, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/8/2019 | 9:36 PM | Injury Crash | West Ave. | Officers were dispatched to the intersection of West Avenue and Maple Street in reference to an injury accident. Upon arrival, Officers learned that Jonathan Park failed to stop at the stop sign on Allgyer Drive and West Avenue. As Jonathan traveled through the intersection, his vehicle was struck by grey Hyundai Sonota. Both vehicles sustained disabling damage and were towed from the scene. Jonathan was subsequently issued a citation for Stop Sign (PC ORD 331.19A). Officer transported Jonathan to the police department where he obtained a ride from a family member a short time later. | Approved | |
8/8/2019 | 7:01 PM | Theft - Misdemeanor | North Ave. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a stolen laptop. Upon arrival, Officer spoke to the reporting party who advised Officer he had a red HP Laptop stolen from the listed location on 08-06-2019. See case for further. | Returned | |
8/9/2019 | 12:29 AM | Suspicious Person/Vehicle | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was flagged down by an unknown passerby and advised of a suspicious person/vehicle on the lot of the listed location. Officer then made contact with the owner/operator and passenger. Officer learned subjects were using the Wifi to watch a video. Subjects then left the area and Officer returned to patrol. | Shell Station / Subway | Approved |
8/9/2019 | 4:32 AM | Open Door | West Main St. | Living Word Church | Approved | |
8/9/2019 | 9:52 PM | Drunk Driver | US Rt. 42 N | Officer was dispatched in the area of West Main St. for a traffic complaint. Officer observed the vehicle in question, a black Acura Sedan, stop 15-25 feet past the stop bar at the intersection of West Main and South Jefferson Avenue. Officer initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle and made contact with the vehicle owner/driver, Dreama Harris. Officer detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from the vehicle and off of Dreama's person. Dreama then completed SFSTs and was later placed into custody for OVI. Dreama was transported to the Plain City Police Department. While at the Police Department Dreama submitted to a BAC test that gave results of 0.132g/210L. Dreama was subsequently issued a traffic citation for Traffic Control Devices, OVI, and OVI Breath .08-.17. Dreama was later released and picked up by her friend, a valid driver. See case for further. | Approved | |
8/10/2019 | 12:03 PM | CIT Incident | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was dispatched to Miller's Furniture in reference to a woman wanting to talk to a police officer. Upon arrival, Officer met with the women who advised Officer that she wants to go to a women's shelter to get away from her controlling husband. Through continued conversation with subject, Officer learned she had recently stopped taking her medications. Subject advised she has a history of paranoid schizophrenia. Officer then requested a medic to respond to the scene to have subject checked out. Medic later got subject to agree to go to the hospital to be evaluated. See attached CIT report for additional information. | Miller's Furniture | Approved |
8/10/2019 | 1:13 PM | Well-being Check | North Ave. | Officer was dispatched to the listed location in reference to a well being check.. Upon arrival, Officer met with the caller who advised she was concerned due to subject's seizure history that subject may be in distress inside the apartment. The caller then unlocked the apartment with her manager's key. Officer then checked the apartment and did not locate subject inside. Officer advised caller of the information, then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 3:11 AM | Assist Other Agency | Plain City-Georgesville Rd. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to an alarm drop for Madison County Sheriff's Office. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 9:46 PM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 E | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to the area of SR 161 near US 33 in reference to a suspicious male. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 12:15 PM | Assist Other Agency | SR 161 W | Officer was requested by the Union County Sheriff's Office to respond to the listed location in reference to an activated alarm. Once assistance was no longer needed, Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 12:05 PM | Recovered/Found Property | South Jefferson Ave. | Officer was given 2 credit cards both with the same subject name that had been found at Carlisle Gifts on 08/06/19. Officer contacted the Warren County Sheriff's Office who provided Officer with two telephone numbers. Officer called and left a message requesting that subject return Officers call. The credit cards were placed on the white board pending return or destruction. | Carlisle Gifts | Returned |
8/11/2019 | 8:01 AM | Alarm Drop | East Main St. | . | Plain City Auction House | Approved |
8/11/2019 | 3:35 AM | Domestic Dispute | North Ave. | Officers were dispatched to the listed location in reference to a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, Officers made contact with all parties involved. All parties advised two female subjects arrived wanting to confront male about "hooking up" with another woman. Male subject, trying to avoid the altercation, pushed his way through female subjects, causing them to fall. Male subject did not intentionally hurt either party and was given a ride to a family member's residence. Both female subjects were given warnings for Disorderly Conduct and advised to speak with male subject about marital issues when sober. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 2:57 AM | Barking Dog | Park St. | Officer responded to the listed location in reference to a barking dog complaint. Upon arrival, Officer observed that the dog was being taken inside by its owner. Officer then made contact with dog owner and advised him of the complaint. Dog owner apologized and stated that he brought the dog in when it continued to bark. Dog owner thanked Officer for Officer's time and Officer returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/11/2019 | 5:12 AM | Parking Complaint | Foster St. | On the stated date and time while on an unrelated call for service, Officer observed subject was sleeping in the rear compartment of a white 2002 Oldsmobile Silhouette. Officer then made contact with subject and advised subject that due to the car being a zoning issue, Officer would be forwarding a report to the Village Administrator showing that she was living in the van. Officer then made contact with the homeowner and advised homeowner that Officer would be forwarding the report to the Village Administrator and of the possible consequences if the vehicle was not removed. Homeowner thanked Officer for Officer's time and Officer returned to patrol. | Pending | |
8/13/2019 | 5:36 AM | Barking Dog | Gay St. | On the stated date and time Officer responded to the area of Gay Street south West Ave, in reference to a barking dog complaint. The caller (who wished to remain anonymous) stated that a dog had been barking in that area on and off throughout the night. Upon arrival, Officer checked the area but was unable to locate the dog. Officer then returned to patrol. | Approved | |
8/13/2019 | 4:22 AM | Assist Other Agency | Devine Dr. | On the stated date and time Officer responded to the listed location at the request of the Madison County Sheriff's Office in reference to a burglary in progress. Once assistance was no longer necessary, Officer returned to patrol. | Pending |
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